PRIDE Splash
The PRIDE Splash pattern is a fun pattern utilizing the colors of the rainbow and a void area that means you'll see the word "PRIDE" left open to show whatever gorgeous fabric you choose to feature your work on.
This pattern and design idea were my own, and the wonderful artwork it came from was designed by my friend at K. Scott Rogers Designs.
We're using this design to earn money for a wonderful charity I've supported for many years, The Trevor Project (thetrevorproject.org). $3 from every purchase will be donated to Trevor.
This is a Digital Download product. When you make your purchase, the site will automatically send you an email with a download link. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder for liveanddyela@gmail.com and consider adding the email address to your contacts so future emails won't be sent to spam.
Pattern Specifics:
99x75 Stitches (18.0 x 13.6 cm) (7.1 x 5.4 in.)