12 Days of Stitching - Countdown Mystery Pack - PRE-ORDER

Regular price $150.00

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12 Days of Stitching Countdown Mystery Pack

A little something new this year is a Mystery Pack that is wholly unrelated to any major holiday or season. 

Did you know Cross Stitching has it's own day? Not many do, but 11 years ago the wonderful people at WorldCrossStitchDay.com started a day dedicated to sharing and appreciating this wonderful craft of ours. This year WCSD falls on August 9th, and it seemed the perfect time to launch something I've been wanting to do for ages now - a box that celebrates our craft!

Like our previous mystery packs the 12 Days of Stitching Pack will contain a variety of Cross Stitch related goodies - fabric, floss, patterns, grime guards, etc - it's a surprise. Each box will also include at least 2 each special Live and Dye LA Dyed fabric and floss that will be made especially for this pack.

The box will be a countdown of 12 items individually wrapped and numbered to count you down to the big day, August 9th, when I hope we'll all be able to spend the day stitching and chatting in the group. 

The packaging on our Mystery Packs is very simple, by vote of our customers. We don't give a lot of paper, confetti, or a big box as it's just more trash the planet doesn't need. Plus, the less we spend on packaging the more we spend on the goodies you get to keep! The items in your pack will be amazing, but the pack itself will be a simple themed vinyl poly bag or box, depending on the size of all the finished product.

This is a Pre-Ordered item that is due to ship in late June-mid July. This listing will only be available to order through Sunday, May 5th.

Please note: PLEASE DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING ELSE WITH THIS ITEM. Your best bet is to order only the 12 Days of Stitching Countdown Mystery Pack, and if at the time of shipment you have any other open orders we will of course refund any additional shipping charges if we can combine orders. Adding other items to the same order could cause delays in fulfillment that would mean you don't get it on time to participate in the countdown.